Monday, May 25, 2015

Jingle Tags

When the Bearded One travels I let the dog sleep with me because...
I feel more comfortable with another living thing beside me.  The dog snores.  'Nuff said.

At 3 AM I woke to the sound of dog tags as they moved from window to window.  Pearl was sniffing loudly.  I checked the windows and doors and listened carefully.  Nothing.  Not even a coyote.

At 4 AM I woke to the sound of dog tags as they moved from window to window.  Pearl was sniffing loudly.  I checked the windows and doors and listened carefully.  Nothing.  Not even a coyote.  But the dog was dancing this time.  This is the dog who can stay in her crate from 8:30 PM until 8:30 AM without a problem.

I decided that she must be "on to something".  I let her out.  She tore down the grass like a big ol' black missile.   She didn't growl or bark.  She just ran.  Urgently.

I finally got her back inside by bribing her with treats.

5:00 AM I woke to the sound of dog tags....

I took her downstairs and crated her.